1. spAbundance::bbsData
    Count data for six warbler species in Pennsylvania, USA
  2. spAbundance::bbsPredData
    Covariates and coordinates for prediction of relative warbler abundance in Pennsylvania, USA
  3. spAbundance::dataNMixSim
    Simulated repeated count data of 6 species across 225 sites
  4. spAbundance::hbefCount2015
    Count data of 12 foliage gleaning bird species in 2015 in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest
  5. spAbundance::neonDWP
    Distance sampling data of 16 bird species observed in the Disney Wilderness Preserve in 2018 in Florida, USA
  6. spAbundance::neonPredData
    Land cover covariates and coordinates at a 1ha resolution across Disney Wilderness Preserve
  7. spOccupancy::hbef2015
    Detection-nondetection data of 12 foliage gleaning bird species in 2015 in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest
  8. spOccupancy::hbefElev
    Elevation in meters extracted at a 30m resolution across the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest
  9. spOccupancy::hbefTrends
    Detection-nondetection data of 12 foliage gleaning bird species from 2010-2018 in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest
  10. spOccupancy::neon2015
    Detection-nondetection data of 12 foliage gleaning bird species in 2015 in Bartlett Experimental Forest in New Hampshire, USA
  11. unmarked::MesoCarnivores
    Occupancy data for coyote, red fox, and bobcat
  12. unmarked::Switzerland
    Swiss landscape data
  13. unmarked::catbird
    BBS Point Count and Occurrence Data from 2 Bird Species
  14. unmarked::catbird.bin
    BBS Point Count and Occurrence Data from 2 Bird Species
    matrix|50 x 11
  15. unmarked::crossbill
    Detection/non-detection data on the European crossbill (_Loxia curvirostra_)
  16. unmarked::cruz
    Landscape data for Santa Cruz Island
  17. unmarked::gf.data
    Green frog count index data
    matrix|220 x 3
  18. unmarked::gf.obs
    Green frog count index data
  19. unmarked::issj
    Distance-sampling data for the Island Scrub Jay (_Aphelocoma insularis_)
  20. unmarked::jay
    European Jay data from the Swiss Breeding Bird Survey 2002
  21. unmarked::linetran
    Simulated line transect data
  22. unmarked::mallard.obs
    Mallard count data
  23. unmarked::mallard.site
    Mallard count data
  24. unmarked::mallard.y
    Mallard count data
    matrix|239 x 3
  25. unmarked::masspcru
    Massachusetts North American Amphibian Monitoring Program Data
  26. unmarked::ovendata.list
    Removal data for the Ovenbird
  27. unmarked::pcru.bin
    2001 Delaware North American Amphibian Monitoring Program Data
  28. unmarked::pcru.data
    2001 Delaware North American Amphibian Monitoring Program Data
  29. unmarked::pcru.y
    2001 Delaware North American Amphibian Monitoring Program Data
    cast_matrix|130 x
  30. unmarked::pfer.bin
    2001 Delaware North American Amphibian Monitoring Program Data
  31. unmarked::pfer.data
    2001 Delaware North American Amphibian Monitoring Program Data
  32. unmarked::pfer.y
    2001 Delaware North American Amphibian Monitoring Program Data
    cast_matrix|130 x
  33. unmarked::pointtran
    Simulated point-transect data
  34. unmarked::woodthrush
    BBS Point Count and Occurrence Data from 2 Bird Species
  35. unmarked::woodthrush.bin
    BBS Point Count and Occurrence Data from 2 Bird Species
    matrix|50 x 11