Package: unmarked

Ken Kellner

unmarked: Models for Data from Unmarked Animals

Fits hierarchical models of animal abundance and occurrence to data collected using survey methods such as point counts, site occupancy sampling, distance sampling, removal sampling, and double observer sampling. Parameters governing the state and observation processes can be modeled as functions of covariates. References: Kellner et al. (2023) <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.14123>, Fiske and Chandler (2011) <doi:10.18637/jss.v043.i10>.

Authors:Richard Chandler [aut], Ken Kellner [cre, aut], Ian Fiske [aut], David Miller [aut], Andy Royle [aut], Jeff Hostetler [aut], Rebecca Hutchinson [aut], Adam Smith [aut], Lea Pautrel [aut], Marc Kery [ctb], Mike Meredith [ctb], Auriel Fournier [ctb], Ariel Muldoon [ctb], Chris Baker [ctb]

unmarked.pdf |unmarked.html
unmarked/json (API)

# Install 'unmarked' in R:
install.packages('unmarked', repos = c('', ''))

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Uses libs:
  • openblas– Optimized BLAS
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3
  • openmp– GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library
  • MesoCarnivores - Occupancy data for coyote, red fox, and bobcat
  • Switzerland - Swiss landscape data
  • catbird - BBS Point Count and Occurrence Data from 2 Bird Species
  • catbird.bin - BBS Point Count and Occurrence Data from 2 Bird Species
  • crossbill - Detection/non-detection data on the European crossbill
  • cruz - Landscape data for Santa Cruz Island
  • - Green frog count index data
  • gf.obs - Green frog count index data
  • issj - Distance-sampling data for the Island Scrub Jay
  • jay - European Jay data from the Swiss Breeding Bird Survey 2002
  • linetran - Simulated line transect data
  • mallard.obs - Mallard count data
  • - Mallard count data
  • mallard.y - Mallard count data
  • masspcru - Massachusetts North American Amphibian Monitoring Program Data
  • ovendata.list - Removal data for the Ovenbird
  • pcru.bin - 2001 Delaware North American Amphibian Monitoring Program Data
  • - 2001 Delaware North American Amphibian Monitoring Program Data
  • pcru.y - 2001 Delaware North American Amphibian Monitoring Program Data
  • pfer.bin - 2001 Delaware North American Amphibian Monitoring Program Data
  • - 2001 Delaware North American Amphibian Monitoring Program Data
  • pfer.y - 2001 Delaware North American Amphibian Monitoring Program Data
  • pointtran - Simulated point-transect data
  • woodthrush - BBS Point Count and Occurrence Data from 2 Bird Species
  • woodthrush.bin - BBS Point Count and Occurrence Data from 2 Bird Species


12.69 score 2 stars 12 packages 676 scripts 9.7k downloads 14 mentions 125 exports 10 dependencies

Last updated 15 hours agofrom:d6c2f1ae00. Checks:OK: 3 NOTE: 6. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKOct 25 2024
R-4.5-win-x86_64OKOct 25 2024
R-4.5-linux-x86_64OKOct 25 2024
R-4.4-win-x86_64NOTEOct 25 2024
R-4.4-mac-x86_64NOTEOct 25 2024
R-4.4-mac-aarch64NOTEOct 25 2024
R-4.3-win-x86_64NOTEOct 25 2024
R-4.3-mac-x86_64NOTEOct 25 2024
R-4.3-mac-aarch64NOTEOct 25 2024



Modeling variation in abundance using capture-recapture data

Rendered fromcap-recap.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 25 2024.

Last update: 2022-05-09
Started: 2022-05-09

Contributing to unmarked: guide to adding a new model to unmarked

Rendered fromcontributing_to_unmarked.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 25 2024.

Last update: 2024-10-03
Started: 2023-12-13

Distance sampling analysis in unmarked

Rendered fromdistsamp.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 25 2024.

Last update: 2022-05-09
Started: 2022-05-09

Dynamic occupancy models in unmarked

Rendered fromcolext.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 25 2024.

Last update: 2024-08-02
Started: 2022-05-09

Multispecies occupancy models with occuMulti

Rendered fromoccuMulti.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 25 2024.

Last update: 2023-04-05
Started: 2022-05-09

Overview of unmarked: an R Package for the Analysis of Data from Unmarked Animals

Rendered fromunmarked.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 25 2024.

Last update: 2024-08-02
Started: 2022-05-09

Power Analysis in unmarked

Rendered frompowerAnalysis.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 25 2024.

Last update: 2024-07-10
Started: 2022-05-09

Simulating datasets

Rendered fromsimulate.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 25 2024.

Last update: 2024-09-04
Started: 2022-05-09

Modeling and mapping species distributions

Rendered fromspp-dist.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 25 2024.

Last update: 2022-05-09
Started: 2022-05-09

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Models for Data from Unmarked Animalsunmarked-package unmarked
Methods for bracket extraction [ in Package `unmarked'[,unmarkedEstimateList,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [,unmarkedFit,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [,unmarkedFrame,list,missing,missing-method [,unmarkedFrame,missing,numeric,missing-method [,unmarkedFrame,numeric,missing,missing-method [,unmarkedFrame,numeric,numeric,missing-method [,unmarkedFrameGDS,numeric,missing,missing-method [,unmarkedFrameGMM,numeric,missing,missing-method [,unmarkedFrameGPC,missing,numeric,missing-method [,unmarkedFrameGPC,numeric,missing,missing-method [,unmarkedFramePCO,missing,numeric,missing-method [,unmarkedFramePCO,numeric,missing,missing-method [,unmarkedMultFrame,missing,numeric,missing-method [,unmarkedMultFrame,numeric,missing,missing-method [-methods
Methods for Function backTransform in Package `unmarked'backTransform backTransform,unmarkedEstimate-method backTransform,unmarkedFit-method backTransform,unmarkedLinComb-method backTransform-methods show,unmarkedBackTrans-method
BBS Point Count and Occurrence Data from 2 Bird Speciesbirds catbird catbird.bin woodthrush woodthrush.bin
Methods for Function coef in Package `unmarked'coef,linCombOrBackTrans-method coef,unmarkedEstimate-method coef,unmarkedFit-method coef-methods
Fit the dynamic occupancy model of MacKenzie et. al (2003)colext
Compute the penalty weight for the MPLE penalized likelihood methodcomputeMPLElambda
Methods for Function confint in Package `unmarked'confint,unmarkedBackTrans-method confint,unmarkedEstimate-method confint,unmarkedFit-method confint,unmarkedLinComb-method confint-methods
Detection/non-detection data on the European crossbill (_Loxia curvirostra_)crossbill
Cross-validation methods for fitted unmarked models and fit listscrossVal crossVal,unmarkedFit-method crossVal,unmarkedFitList-method crossVal-methods show,unmarkedCrossVal-method show,unmarkedCrossValList-method unmarkedCrossVal-class unmarkedCrossValList-class
Landscape data for Santa Cruz Islandcruz
Convert .CSV File to an unmarkedFramecsvToUMF
Distance-sampling detection functions and associated density functionsdetFuns drexp drhaz drhn dxexp dxhaz dxhn grexp grhaz grhn gxexp gxhaz gxhn
Fit the hierarchical distance sampling model of Royle et al. (2004)distsamp
Open population model for distance sampling datadistsampOpen
constructor of unmarkedFitList objectsfitList
Calculate fitted (expected) values from a modelfitted fitted,unmarkedFit-method
Bin distance dataformatDistData
Create unmarkedMultFrame from Long Format Data FrameformatMult
Convert between wide and long data formats.formatLong formatWide
2001 Delaware North American Amphibian Monitoring Program Datafrog2001pcru frog2001pfer frogs pcru.bin pcru.y pfer.bin pfer.y
Fit the combined distance and removal model of Amundson et al. (2014).gdistremoval
Fit the generalized distance sampling model of Chandler et al. (2011).gdistsamp
Methods for Function getB in Package `unmarked'getB getB,unmarkedFitOccuFP-method getB-methods
Methods for Function getFP in Package `unmarked'getFP getFP,unmarkedFitOccuFP-method getFP-methods
Get detection probability matrix from a fitted modelgetP getP,unmarkedFit-method
Green frog count index datagf gf.obs
Generalized multinomial N-mixture modelgmultmix
Fit multi-scale occupancy modelsgoccu
Generalized binomial N-mixture model for repeated count datagpcount
Fit the integrated distance sampling model of Kery et al. (2022).hist,unmarkedFitIDS-method IDS names,unmarkedFitIDS-method
A function to impute missing entries in continuous obsCovsimputeMissing
Distance-sampling data for the Island Scrub Jay (_Aphelocoma insularis_)issj
European Jay data from the Swiss Breeding Bird Survey 2002jay
Convert Poisson mean (lambda) to probability of occurrence (psi).lambda2psi
Methods for Function linearComb in Package `unmarked'linearComb linearComb,unmarkedEstimate,matrixOrVector-method linearComb,unmarkedFit,matrixOrVector-method linearComb-methods show,unmarkedLinComb-method
Simulated line transect datalinetran
Create functions to compute multinomial cell probabilitiesmakeCrPiFun makeCrPiFunMb makeCrPiFunMh makePiFuns makeRemPiFun
Mallard count datamallard mallard.obs mallard.y
Massachusetts North American Amphibian Monitoring Program Datamasspcru
Occupancy data for coyote, red fox, and bobcatMesoCarnivores
Model selection results from an unmarkedFitListcoef,unmarkedModSel-method modSel modSel-methods SE,unmarkedModSel-method show,unmarkedModSel-method summary,unmarkedModSel-method unmarkedModSel-class
Multinomial-Poisson Mixtures ModelmultinomPois
Open population multinomial N-mixture modelmultmixOpen
Fit N-mixture Time-to-detection ModelsnmixTTD
Get non-parametric bootstrap samples from an 'unmarked' modelnonparboot nonparboot,unmarkedFit-method nonparboot-methods
Fit the MacKenzie et al. (2002) Occupancy Modeloccu
Fit the occupancy model using count dtaoccuCOP
Fit occupancy models when false positive detections occur (e.g., Royle and Link [2006] and Miller et al. [2011])occuFP
Fit Single-Season and Dynamic Multi-State Occupancy ModelsoccuMS
Fit the Rota et al. (2016) Multi-species Occupancy ModeloccuMulti
Fit the MacKenzie et al. (2002) Occupancy Model with the penalized likelihood methods of Hutchinson et al. (2015)occuPEN
Fit the MacKenzie et al. (2002) Occupancy Model with the penalized likelihood methods of Hutchinson et al. (2015) using cross-validationoccuPEN_CV
Fit the occupancy model of Royle and Nichols (2003)occuRN
Fit Single-Season and Dynamic Time-to-detection Occupancy ModelsoccuTTD
Identify Optimal Penalty Parameter ValueoptimizePenalty optimizePenalty,unmarkedFitOccuMulti-method optimizePenalty-methods
Removal data for the Ovenbirdovendata ovendata.list
Parametric bootstrap method for 'unmarked' modelsparboot parboot,unmarkedFit-method plot,parboot,missing-method show,parboot-method
Fit the N-mixture model of Royle (2004)pcount
Fit spatial hierarchical distance sampling model.pcount.spHDS
Fit the open N-mixture models of Dail and Madsen and extensionspcountOpen
Compute multinomial cell probabilitiesdoublePiFun piFuns removalPiFun
Plot marginal effects of covariates in unmarked modelsplotEffects plotEffects,unmarkedFit-method plotEffects-methods plotEffectsData plotEffectsData,unmarkedFit-method plotEffectsData-methods
Simulated point-transect datapointtran
Draw samples from the posterior predictive distributionposteriorSamples posteriorSamples,unmarkedFit-method posteriorSamples,unmarkedRanef-method posteriorSamples-methods show,unmarkedPostSamples-method unmarkedPostSamples-class [,unmarkedPostSamples,ANY,ANY,ANY-method
Conduct a power analysis for an unmarked modelpowerAnalysis powerAnalysis,list-method powerAnalysis,unmarkedFit-method powerAnalysis,unmarkedFrame-method
Predict from fitted models and other unmarked objectspredict predict,unmarkedFit-method predict,unmarkedFitList-method predict,unmarkedFitOccuMS-method predict,unmarkedFitOccuMulti-method predict,unmarkedRanef-method
Extract estimates of random effect termsrandomTerms randomTerms,unmarkedEstimate-method randomTerms,unmarkedFit-method randomTerms-methods
Estimate posterior distributions of latent occupancy or abundanceranef ranef,unmarkedFit-method
Calculate residuals from a modelresiduals residuals,unmarkedFit-method
Methods for Function SE in Package `unmarked'SE SE,linCombOrBackTrans-method SE,unmarkedEstimate-method SE,unmarkedFit-method SE-methods
Launch a Shiny app to help with power analysisshinyPower
Convert sight distance and sight angle to perpendicular distance.sight2perpdist
Extract estimates of random effect standard deviationssigma sigma,unmarkedEstimate-method sigma,unmarkedFit-method sigma-methods
Data simulation in unmarkedsimulate simulate,character-method simulate,unmarkedFit-method simulate,unmarkedFrame-method
Compute Sum of Squared Residuals for a Model Fit.SSE SSE,unmarkedFit-method SSE,unmarkedFitGDR-method SSE,unmarkedFitIDS-method SSE,unmarkedFitOccuMulti-method SSE-methods
Swiss landscape dataSwitzerland
Class "unmarkedEstimate"show,unmarkedEstimate-method summary,unmarkedEstimate-method unmarkedEstimate unmarkedEstimate-class
Class "unmarkedEstimateList"names,unmarkedEstimateList-method show,unmarkedEstimateList-method summary,unmarkedEstimateList-method unmarkedEstimateList-class
Class "unmarkedFit"getData getData,unmarkedFit-method getY,unmarkedFit-method hist,unmarkedFitDS-method logLik logLik,unmarkedFit-method LRT LRT,unmarkedFit,unmarkedFit-method names,unmarkedFit-method plot,profile,missing-method plot,unmarkedFit,missing-method profile,unmarkedFit-method projected projected,unmarkedFitColExt-method sampleSize sampleSize,unmarkedFit-method smoothed smoothed,unmarkedFitColExt-method summary,unmarkedFit-method unmarkedFit unmarkedFit-class update,unmarkedFit-method
Class "unmarkedFitList"coef,unmarkedFitList-method modSel,unmarkedFitList-method SE,unmarkedFitList-method summary,unmarkedFitList-method
Create an unmarkedFrame, or one of its child classes.unmarkedFrame
Class "unmarkedFrame"getY getY,unmarkedFrame-method head,unmarkedFrame-method hist,unmarkedFrameDS-method numSites numSites,unmarkedFrame-method numY numY,unmarkedFrame-method obsCovs obsCovs,unmarkedFrame-method obsCovs<- obsCovs<-,unmarkedFrame-method obsNum obsNum,unmarkedFrame-method obsToY obsToY,unmarkedFrame-method obsToY<- obsToY<-,unmarkedFrame-method plot,unmarkedFrame,missing-method plot,unmarkedFrameOccuMulti,missing-method plot,unmarkedFrameOccuTTD,missing-method show,unmarkedFrame-method show,unmarkedFrameOccuCOP-method show,unmarkedFrameOccuMulti-method show,unmarkedFrameOccuTTD-method show,unmarkedMultFrame-method siteCovs siteCovs,unmarkedFrame-method siteCovs<- siteCovs<-,unmarkedFrame-method summary,unmarkedFrame-method summary,unmarkedFrameDS-method summary,unmarkedFrameOccuCOP-method summary,unmarkedFrameOccuMulti-method summary,unmarkedFrameOccuTTD-method summary,unmarkedMultFrame-method unmarkedFrame-class [,unmarkedFrameDSO,numeric,missing,missing-method [,unmarkedFrameGDR,logical,missing,missing-method [,unmarkedFrameGDR,missing,numeric,missing-method [,unmarkedFrameGDR,numeric,missing,missing-method [,unmarkedFrameMMO,numeric,missing,missing-method [,unmarkedFrameOccuCOP,missing,numeric,missing-method [,unmarkedFrameOccuCOP,numeric,missing,missing-method [,unmarkedFrameOccuCOP,numeric,numeric,missing-method [,unmarkedFrameOccuMS,numeric,missing,missing-method [,unmarkedFrameOccuMulti,missing,numeric,missing-method [,unmarkedFrameOccuMulti,numeric,missing,missing-method [,unmarkedFrameOccuTTD,missing,numeric,missing-method [,unmarkedFrameOccuTTD,numeric,missing,missing-method
Organize data for the distance sampling model of Royle et al. (2004) fit by distsampunmarkedFrameDS
Create an object of class unmarkedFrameDSO that contains data used by distsampOpen.unmarkedFrameDSO
Organize data for the combined distance and removal point-count model of Amundson et al. (2014) fit by 'gdistremoval'unmarkedFrameGDR unmarkedFrameGDR-class
Create an object of class unmarkedFrameMMO that contains data used by multmixOpen.unmarkedFrameMMO
Organize data for the multinomial-Poisson mixture model of Royle (2004) fit by multinomPoisunmarkedFrameMPois
Organize data for the single season occupancy models fit by occu and occuRNunmarkedFrameOccu
Organize data for the occupancy model using count data fit by 'occuCOP'getL getL,unmarkedFrameOccuCOP-method unmarkedFrameOccuCOP
Organize data for the single season occupancy models fit by occuFPunmarkedFrameOccuFP
Organize data for the multi-state occupancy model fit by occuMSunmarkedFrameOccuMS
Organize data for the multispecies occupancy model fit by occuMultiunmarkedFrameOccuMulti
Create an unmarkedFrameOccuTTD object for the time-to-detection model fit by occuTTDunmarkedFrameOccuTTD
Create an object of class unmarkedFramePCO that contains data used by pcountOpen.unmarkedFramePCO
Organize data for the N-mixture model fit by pcountunmarkedFramePCount
Create an unmarkedMultFrame, unmarkedFrameGMM, unmarkedFrameGDS, or unmarkedFrameGPC objectunmarkedFrameGDS unmarkedFrameGMM unmarkedFrameGOccu unmarkedFrameGPC unmarkedMultFrame yearlySiteCovs yearlySiteCovs,unmarkedMultFrame-method yearlySiteCovs<- yearlySiteCovs<-,unmarkedMultFrame-method
Methods for unmarkedPower objectsplot,unmarkedPower,missing-method show,unmarkedPower-method show,unmarkedPower_old-method summary,unmarkedPower-method summary,unmarkedPower_old-method unmarkedPower-class unmarkedPower-methods unmarkedPower_old-class update,unmarkedPower-method update,unmarkedPower_old-method
Summarize a series of unmarked power analysesplot,unmarkedPowerList,ANY-method plot,unmarkedPowerList_old,ANY-method show,unmarkedPowerList-method show,unmarkedPowerList_old-method summary,unmarkedPowerList-method summary,unmarkedPowerList_old-method unmarkedPowerList unmarkedPowerList,list-method unmarkedPowerList,unmarkedFit-method unmarkedPowerList,unmarkedPower-method unmarkedPowerList-methods unmarkedPowerList_old-class
Class '"unmarkedRanef"'bup bup,unmarkedRanef-method confint,unmarkedRanef-method plot,unmarkedRanef,missing-method show,unmarkedRanef-method unmarkedRanef-class
Methods for Function vcov in Package `unmarked'vcov,linCombOrBackTrans-method vcov,unmarkedEstimate-method vcov,unmarkedFit-method vcov,unmarkedFitOccuMulti-method vcov-methods
Compute Variance Inflation Factors for an unmarkedFit Object.vif